The Serpent Within: Shedding Layers, Embracing Transformation, Year of the Wood Snake

Seven years ago, during a yoga teacher training, I created a collection of photographs that symbolized Kundalini Rising. The energy coiled at the base of the spine that rises like snakes ascending, weaving, activating . These images became a reflection of the journey we were on during this training. Now, as the energies of the Wood Snake rise with the Lunar New Year, I feel these mystical creatures stirring once again, calling to be shared. This time, they feel even more potent, as I find myself once again in a deep season of transformation.
With the recent passing of my mother, I feel as though I’m shedding many layers of who I thought I was, what defined me, and the beliefs that have quietly shaped my life. It’s a season of dismantling and rearranging— and the snake, a teacher, reminds me to trust the fires of transformation—to shed, surrender, and step forward into new skin, even when the process feels tender.
Some days, the shedding is freeing, like stepping out of an old, too-tight pair of skinny jeans. Other days, it feels like an unraveling, a releasing of things I’m not sure I’m ready to let go of. But the snake is a reminder of the natural law of death and rebirth.
These images feel like a bridge between my past and present, and they remind me to honor the fires of transformation, even when they burn hot.

Honoring the Wood Snake and Imbolc
The energies of the Wood Snake in this Lunar New Year invite us to shed what no longer serves and embrace the flow of change. As we move toward Imbolc, the festival of light and new beginnings, this is a sacred time to honor the cycles of release and rebirth within ourselves.
In this spirit, I am excited to share an offering to embody these energies and guide us into a space of alignment, renewal, and possibility.
If this resonates, reply to this email, with Yes Please!
Let’s rise together, shedding what holds us back and embracing the sacred fires of transformation.
Honoring the Year of the Wood Snake
This Lunar New Year and Imbolc, me and my sisters, are hosting a two-part offering to guide us in working with this transformative energy:
Lunar Imbolc Call
Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Time: 5:30 PM PST
Location: Online via Zoom
We’ll reflect on what no longer serves, release it under the dark moon,
and set powerful intentions for the year ahead.
Solar Imbolc Call
Date: Saturday, February 3, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM PST
Location: Online via Zoom
We’ll honor the return of the light, explore how to integrate intentions with action, and step fully into the energy of renewal. And do a Shakti Activation!

There will also be time for Q&A about the upcoming France and Hawaii retreats, plus some powerful gifts you don’t want to miss.
If this resonates, DM me for the links. Let’s rise together, shedding what holds us back and embracing the sacred fires of transformation.
FINALLY, drum roll please........ The cutest models of them all.....
These snakes, by the way, are tame - unlike my two wild, curious and fearless boys who were all too eager to get up close and personal with them!

And the King is crowned ~ Ruler of the Jungle, Earth Guardian and Leader of Love!